Friday 12 March 2010

I wrote this 11 years ago

when my ex, who was my life, ended our relationship. It's still true, I am still an insecure, overly sensitive guy, and I still hide it so well;

"you're my enemy
please don't stand face to face with me
and unveil the softness
in my eyes"

Monday 8 March 2010


With this tainted soul,
in this weak young heart,
am I too much for you?

Last try

"when I think about what has happened, I feel like I should never let you back into my life. It feels as though you are only upset because you have lost everything and not because of what you actually did, I am not sure you even understand how bad it is and that makes me think it's certain you will do it again.

I often consider what would have happened if I hadn't caught you with this one, do you think about that? How far it would have gone? I am sure it'd have spread like cancer through our family, all of our secrets and the intimate details of our life would once again have been shared with a stranger you had met.

I don't care if we have problems in the marriage, we can work on those, or live with them, whatever, but I can't accept the cheating and lying, those are the 2 things that are just not compatible with a happy, healthy relationship. Even after the latest guy was out in the open, and you said you had changed and would be honest, you STILL didn't tell me that you had exchanged numbers. To me, that is simply unbelievable. It shows your lack of commitment and respect for me. You should look up those 2 words in the dictionary and understand what they mean. Why can you not just be brave and tell the truth, can't you see it is never better to lie to the people who love you?

If you don't want to be in a strong relationship, don't be in one, just leave. You can't maintain a marriage on one side and meet guys on the other, you don't get to have both. Life may not always be exciting, fun, happy, but TOUGH SHIT, it's a marriage, we deal with the problems as they come up and we work at it. I don't ask much from you but if you want to be married to me I demand honesty and loyalty. The 3 of us are a team and there is no room for any other secret friends. It is simply cheating.

You can come back to this house and we can try again but I have 4 conditions that you have to agree to. I am not arguing or changing any of this, they are to help protect myself and our son:

- we go to marriage counselling every week (I will pick a new one and this time it'll be a man). You go yourself for the first 2 sessions and tell the whole story from your side without me there. You will only get good out of it, if you put effort into it, so keep an open mind and just do it.

- you tell me about every guy you meet, talk to socially, work with, etc. until I learn to trust you again, which will take years. Talking to an old friend on facebook is fine, texting someone in work to get your rota is fine, chatting to someone you just met in a shop in the middle of the night in secret is NOT fine. Most people just know what is acceptable and what is not but you don't, so until you learn that and I trust you again, you need to tell me about every guy you come into contact with.

- you need to be very open and honest about where you are going and who you are going with at all times until I learn to trust you again, which will take years. You want to build your life up, get a job, new hobbies, activities, fine by me, I support that completely, but you have to tell me what you are doing, or I'll assume you're hiding something.

- I want some fun in 2010. Can we just relax with the whole sex thing, we are so on edge about it all. I am on one side trying to think of how to make it great for you, and you go on about never wanting to be the one to start it etc etc. It's just too much pressure, if we just relax with the whole thing it'll get better, I am sure of it. It's supposed to be fun, we should be smiling, laughing, relaxed. We both seem to have high sex drives, I am sure if we can relax and take our time it'll improve. I'd like to go back to Egypt this year, except this time have more fun. I hereby invite you, please RSVP.

If you are now committed to the relationship like you said, and you now have nothing to hide, these should be no problem to you, they are all easy.

You can make mistakes, you can tell me you're not happy with this or that, you can shout at me, argue, be moody, grumpy, you can do anything wrong in the world and we will still get through it, I promise. But if you lie to, or cheat on me again, it's over, and that is also a promise.

You can reply to this if you wish, I don't mind, but if you come back to this house I will assume you accept what's in this mail and want to give this family one last shot, as I do.

Your husband, who still loves you to death."

She came back, and for 1 last try I will swallow my pride.


we were working on things, we had a plan, there was openness

why did she do it again, worse even, days after some light appeared, it has been shattered, and the trust is now nothing, really nothing

and a webcam this time, while I was upstairs, she may have even flashed him, her new man

does she even know what she has done

so she had to go, I can't keep doing this, she packed and I drove her to her friends, not even heartbroken, it is so raw that I can't even feel the pain

she shows regret, but she showed it last time
she says she loves me, but her actions speak louder