Thursday 31 December 2009

1 step forward 2 steps back

Latest sign of weirdness I have crushed myself with:

- she wouldn't let nicholas take her bag from the car, she said she liked to take her bag herself.. why would that be

- hardly allows her phone out of her sight, although I did ask to borrow it to fix up my new one, and she allowed me - had a wee look through, nothing suspicious but I saw the doctor in her contact list, and the skier but he was awaiting friend request approval

- she went to her friends with our son, but she left him there for a while and went shopping by herself for a bit, who did she meet! Who did she chat to!

Have taken a huge step back here, feel totally rubbish. She said I was annoying her as my attitude kept changing.

How do I get past this.. I need some way to wipe this jealousy out.

She is thinking of going clubbing with her mate on Saturday, maybe even tonight as well. God how will I cope with that.

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